Bookmarks tagged videoGames

23 Aug 2023
the Idle Thumbs "conf grenade" from GDC 2010, where Wil Wright apparently showed up and gave a surprise talk to close out the show.
30 May 2023
Create as many loops as you can in this timeless arcade classic.
21 Dec 2022
An in-depth analysis that explains how this console works internally
"One[sic] another topic, have you ever wondered what causes games to lag? When the V-Blank interrupt is called to allow graphics update, sometimes the game is still executing some heavy code and skips the V-Blank window, graphics can’t be updated until the next V-Blank call and since the frame wasn’t updated, this is manifested as a drop in frame-rate."
20 Dec 2022
Youtube channel that posts tracks from the soundtracks to extremely obscure video games. So obscure that I can't even tell if they're real or if it's an elaborate prank (but they appear to be real)